Wednesday, July 8, 2020

God Parts the Red Sea

Lesson 21

If you’ve been following along online, we left off with Moses leading his people out of Egypt. God had sent plagues upon Egypt in order to convince the Pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery. The final plague was death and God had spared the Israelites through the act of Passover. Today we are going to pick up just as the Israelites are leaving Egypt.

When God led the people out of Egypt, He didn’t lead them on the easiest road. He took them through the desert toward a big sea called the Red Sea. God led them by day with a big cloud and He led them by night with a pillar of fire. The cloud helped shade the people from the hot desert sun during the day and the fire helped keep them warm at night. God took care of His people.

Meanwhile, back in Egypt, when the king realized that the Israelites were gone, he changed his mind and decided he wanted them back again. He really didn’t want to lose all his slaves. Pharaoh took his best men and chariots and started chasing the Israelites.

When the children of Israel saw the Egyptian army and chariots coming, they were afraid. But Moses said, "Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord save you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm."

Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the Lord opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind. So, the people of Israel walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground, with walls of water on each side! The Egyptians, with their horses and chariots, chased after the Israelites through the sea, but God twisted their chariot wheels, making them difficult to drive.

When the Israelites reached the other side, the Lord said to Moses, "Raise your hand over the sea again." When he did, the waters returned and all of the chariots and horses -- the entire army of the Pharaoh who chased the Israelites into the sea were drowned. Not a single one survived.

When the people of Israel saw the mighty power that the Lord had unleashed against the Egyptians, they were amazed! They put their faith in the Lord and in his servant Moses.

I’m so glad we serve a God who loves us and protects us. We may not have to cross the sea on dry land, but we see His miracles every day!

Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.
Exodus 14:13-14

Coloring & Activity Pages

Craft Time!

What you will need:

Blue Construction Paper
Brown Construction Paper


1. Cut the construction paper in half, long ways
2. Fold both sheets in half, long ways
3. Glue flat sides to either side of brown paper
4. Color and cut out pictures
5. Bend the bottom tab on Moses and glue to top of sheet, on brown paper
6. Glue fish onto the blue paper
7. Glue the Egyptians on the other end of the brown paper if you’d like

Now let's worship God with music!

Thanks for worshiping with us!
God loves you and so do we!

Monday, June 29, 2020

The Church is Open

Hey everyone! Now that our church is open for normal services and activities, we wont be posting to the blog for a little while. Once we figure out what things are going to look like over the next few months, we will adjust the blog accordingly. Thanks for following along with our lessons. We are so grateful we were able to share the Gospel with all of you, even when we couldnt be together in person.

We love you all and we are always praying for you.

God bless!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

God Ordains the Passover

Lesson 20

Hello everyone! We are back this week to learn about the final plague that God sent to Egypt. Last week we talked about the first nine. Today we are going to hear about the worst one of all.

God’s purpose in the first half of Exodus was to display His power and deliver His people. But after the nine powerful plagues, Israel was still enslaved by Egypt. So, God sent a tenth and final plague, the most powerful, to deliver His people.

God announced the death of every firstborn male in all of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, to the firstborn of the slave, even the firstborn of the livestock. Unlike the previous plagues, God Himself would go through Egypt to accomplish this judgment on all the gods of Egypt.

In order to spare the children of Israel from the final plague, God gave the Passover sacrifice. Each family chose a one year old, unblemished lamb and kept it with them for 4 days. The sacrificed the lamb without breaking any of its bones and used hyssop to brush it’s blood on the sides and tops of their doorways. Then they stayed in their homes until morning.

They roasted them lamb, ate it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs, and burnt any leftovers. When eating, they were ready to leave at a moment’s notice.

When the Lord passed through Egypt, He saw the blood on the doorposts and passed over those houses. He did not allow the destroyer to enter their houses.

Obviously, this brought great sadness to Egypt. The Bible says loud wailing filled the land because every house was affected. In their agony, Pharaoh and the Egyptians urged the Israelites to leave immediately.

As Israel departed, God led them with His own presence, appearing in a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night.

God delivered His people and established the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the consecration of the firstborn as reminders of His power to deliver.

Many years later, Jesus would share his last supper with His disciples on the night of Passover. During this celebration, Jesus identified the unleavened bread and the cup of wine with His own body and blood. In doing so, Jesus declared that deliverance from sin and from God’s wrath comes only through His blood. Those who come to Jesus are protected by His blood just as the Israelites who stayed inside were protected by the blood of the Passover lamb. 

When the Lord goes through the land to strike down the Egyptians, he will see the blood on the top and sides of the door frame and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down.

Exodus 12:23

Coloring & Activity Pages

Craft Time!

1. Print out the templates onto cardstock

2. Cut out images and color

3. Place red strokes around door

4. Fold, assemble, and glue house together

**You can also just color the red strokes onto your house

Now let's worship God with music!

Thanks for worshiping with us!
God loves you and so do we!

Monday, June 8, 2020

God Sends Plagues on Egypt

Lesson 18

Hello again everyone! We are so excited that our church is starting to open back up. We are praying that we can have Adoration Station in person real soon. In the meantime we will keep sharing our video lessons with you.

We’ve been learning about Moses and the past two weeks we learned how God prepared him to lead the Israelites out of captivity from Egypt. Today we are going to talk about how God used Moses to reveal His power to the Pharaoh and all of Egypt.

When Moses and his brother Aaron got to Egypt the Lord told them what to do. He said, "Go to Pharaoh and tell him to let the Israelites go. He will be very stubborn, and it will take many signs and miracles before he will let you go; but everyone will know that I am God when he finally frees the Israelites."

They did what God asked and they went to see Pharaoh. In front of Pharaoh Aaron threw down his staff and it became a snake (just as God told Moses it would). Pharaoh’s magicians copied Aaron and caused snakes to appear as well. Aaron’s serpent ate them all the others. Even still, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened. Because of his hard heart, God sent the plagues.

A plague is an event or sickness that causes suffering, loss, and usually death on a horrific scale. There were ten plagues, but the first nine came in groups of three., with the tenth plague being the finale, and worst.

The plagues were:

Blood: Aaron struck the Nile with the staff so that all the water turned to blood and all the fish died. Even water in containers became blood.

Frogs: They came out of the water and covered the land, and invaded homes, beds, ovens, and bowls.

Gnats or Mosquitoes: These swarms of irritating insects irritated the eyes, nose, and ears, and could also bite.

Swarms: These insects likely fed on blood and probably spread disease among the livestock and maybe even humans.

Disease: This plague killed all the livestock of the Egyptians.

Boils: These were painful, blister like sores. They were on humans and animals. They were very painful.

Hailstorm: This was the worst hailstorm Egypt had ever known., with lightning flashing back and forth across the ground. People and animals that were outside were killed. Their crops were destroyed.

Locust: Locust are devastating. They consume all the crops and damage trees and fruit as well. The Bible tells us that this swarm was larger than any that has ever been.

Darkness: The Bible says that it was so complete that it could be felt. Only the Israelites had light where they lived. The darkness lasted for 3 days. They Egyptians were overwhelmed by terror and despair.

We are going to talk more about the 10th plague next week.

Moses told Pharaoh to let God’s people go, but just as God had told Moses, Pharaoh hardened his heart. God continued to harden Pharaoh’s heart in order to fully display the greatness of His power. With plagues from the earth and plagues from the sky, with irritating plagues and deadly plagues, and with plagues undermining all the Egyptian gods, God proved that He alone is God. He wanted Israel to trust and serve Him alone, and He wanted all the earth to fear His power.

God’s great power presents us with a choice. We can choose to be like Pharaoh, who refused to humble himself before God. He was sorry when bad things happened to him, but he did not repent. Or we can choose to do what God said: we can trust Him as our deliverer and serve Him alone. If we do repent and believe, then just as God powerfully crushed the rule of Pharaoh over Israel, so He will powerfully crush the rule of sin, Satan, and death over us. 

“But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth”

Exodus 9:16

Coloring & Activity Pages

Craft Time!

1. Print as many frogs as you’d like.

2. Color and cut them out.

3. Hide them around your house for others to find.

1. Color and cut out each picture.

2. Glue the white tab onto a piece of construction paper or cardstock in the order they happened.

3. Bend the pictures so they stand up.

Now let's worship God with music!
*CLick the picture for video

Thanks for worshiping with us!
God loves you and so do we!

Sunday, May 31, 2020

God Raises Moses to Lead Israel

Lesson 18

Hello everyone! We pray you all had a wonderful week. I am so grateful for this warm weather? How about you? We are back again today with our online lessons. This week we are continuing the story of Moses.

Last we talked about Moses’ birth and how God intervened in his life to bring him to a position of importance in the Pharaoh’s house. This week we are going to learn how God brought him from the palace to the wilderness and spoke to him in a powerful way.

Do any of you have relatives that don’t live near you? How do you talk to them? One way we talk to people is on the phone. Maybe you talk to your grandparents or an aunt, or even a friend that way. In the Bible God often used unusual methods to communicate with people.

In Egypt, Moses was a prince; but he still loved his people, the Israelites. His first attempt to free his people was a disaster. So much so that he had to go on the run from the Pharaoh. He fled to Midian and became a shepherd.

Moses’ life, like that of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, shows us that when God chooses men to lead, He first humbles them so that His own power, not theirs, is displayed.

As 80 year old Moses shepherded the sheep at Mount Horeb, God appeared to him in a miraculous way.; He appeared to Moses in a burning bush. The bush itself was unimpressive, but God’s holy presence blazed in the bush and didn’t burn it up. This definitely got Moses’ attention. 

God told Moses that He had heard the cries of His people in Egypt. He told Moses that it was time to go back to Egypt so that the Israelites could be set free.

Unfortunately, Moses doubted. He told God that he wasn’t the man for the job. He made excuses. So, God proved Himself to Moses. He told him to throw his staff onto the ground. When he did, it turned into a snake! God told him to pick it up by the tail. When he did, it turned back into a staff. Moses found out that God is powerful! Moses then began his journey back to Egypt.

God reveals Himself in order to deliver His people. In the Gospel, just as in Exodus, it is God who saves, not the person delivering the message.

And God will save us too, if we only ask. Just like in our ABC’s of becoming a Christian. Ask, Believe, and Confess. 

“God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ And He said, “Say this to the people of Israel. ‘I AM has sent me to you’”

Exodus 3:14

Coloring & Activity Pages

Craft Time!

Supplies Needed:

Toilet Paper Roll
Coffee Filters

Now let's worship God with music!

Thanks for worshiping with us!
God loves you and so do we!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Lesson 17 - God Prepares Israel for Deliverance

Lesson 17

Hello again everyone! We are praying that you are doing well. We miss seeing all of you, but we are so grateful to be able to share our Bible lessons with you online.

This week we are moving on from Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph. We are going to be learning about Moses. I’m sure most of you have heard of Moses, right? He was a part of some amazing miracles and works of God. Today we are going to learn how Moses’ story started.

About 200 years after Joseph’s story, the Israelites were still living in Egypt and there were a lot of them. Their numbers grew so big that the Pharaoh of that day began to get nervous.

He was afraid the Israelites would eventually rise up against him, so he made them slaves. He made them work from early in the morning until late at night doing very hard work.  Even if they were tired the Egyptians wouldn't give them a break, they would just make them work harder.  It was very bad.

Pharaoh did all this and he still wasn't happy.  The Israelites were still growing in number, so he decided to make a law.  If any boys were born to the Israelites, he would have them killed.

One family decided to do all they could to protect their newborn baby boy. They hid him as best the could for 3 months. They knew this wouldn’t work forever so they decided to take drastic measures. They put him in a basket and sent him down the Nile river. His sister, Miriam, watched him as he traveled.

God intervened in Moses’ life by sending the Pharaoh’s daughter to the river. She saw the basket and found baby Moses inside. She raised him as her own son. In this way Moses was protected from Pharaoh’s evil plans and he was on a path to deliver all his people to freedom.

God appointed Jesus as an even greater deliverer than Moses, and when we cry out to Him, Jesus will set us free from our bondage to sin. Through Jesus, we trust God to deliver us too.

“And God heard their cries, and He remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob”

Exodus 2:24

Coloring & Activity Pages

Craft Time!

Now let's worship God with music!

Thanks for worshiping with us!
God loves you and so do we!