Hello again everyone! We are praying that you are doing
well. We miss seeing all of you, but we are so grateful to be able to share our
Bible lessons with you online.
This week we are moving on from Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph.
We are going to be learning about Moses. I’m sure most of you have heard of
Moses, right? He was a part of some amazing miracles and works of God. Today we
are going to learn how Moses’ story started.
About 200 years after Joseph’s story, the Israelites were
still living in Egypt and there were a lot of them. Their numbers grew so big
that the Pharaoh of that day began to get nervous.
He was afraid the Israelites would eventually rise up
against him, so he made them slaves. He
made them work from early in the morning until late at night doing very hard
work. Even if they were tired the Egyptians wouldn't give them a break,
they would just make them work harder. It was very bad.
Pharaoh did all this and he
still wasn't happy. The Israelites were still growing in number, so he
decided to make a law. If any boys were born to the Israelites, he would
have them killed.
One family decided to do all
they could to protect their newborn baby boy. They hid him as best the could
for 3 months. They knew this wouldn’t work forever so they decided to take
drastic measures. They put him in a basket and sent him down the Nile river.
His sister, Miriam, watched him as he traveled.
God intervened in Moses’ life
by sending the Pharaoh’s daughter to the river. She saw the basket and found
baby Moses inside. She raised him as her own son. In this way Moses was protected
from Pharaoh’s evil plans and he was on a path to deliver all his people to
God appointed Jesus as an even
greater deliverer than Moses, and when we cry out to Him, Jesus will set us
free from our bondage to sin. Through Jesus, we trust God to deliver us too.
God heard their cries, and He remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac,
and with Jacob”
Exodus 2:24

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Craft Time!

Now let's worship God with music!

Thanks for worshiping with us!
God loves you and so do we!

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