Sunday, May 31, 2020

God Raises Moses to Lead Israel

Lesson 18

Hello everyone! We pray you all had a wonderful week. I am so grateful for this warm weather? How about you? We are back again today with our online lessons. This week we are continuing the story of Moses.

Last we talked about Moses’ birth and how God intervened in his life to bring him to a position of importance in the Pharaoh’s house. This week we are going to learn how God brought him from the palace to the wilderness and spoke to him in a powerful way.

Do any of you have relatives that don’t live near you? How do you talk to them? One way we talk to people is on the phone. Maybe you talk to your grandparents or an aunt, or even a friend that way. In the Bible God often used unusual methods to communicate with people.

In Egypt, Moses was a prince; but he still loved his people, the Israelites. His first attempt to free his people was a disaster. So much so that he had to go on the run from the Pharaoh. He fled to Midian and became a shepherd.

Moses’ life, like that of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, shows us that when God chooses men to lead, He first humbles them so that His own power, not theirs, is displayed.

As 80 year old Moses shepherded the sheep at Mount Horeb, God appeared to him in a miraculous way.; He appeared to Moses in a burning bush. The bush itself was unimpressive, but God’s holy presence blazed in the bush and didn’t burn it up. This definitely got Moses’ attention. 

God told Moses that He had heard the cries of His people in Egypt. He told Moses that it was time to go back to Egypt so that the Israelites could be set free.

Unfortunately, Moses doubted. He told God that he wasn’t the man for the job. He made excuses. So, God proved Himself to Moses. He told him to throw his staff onto the ground. When he did, it turned into a snake! God told him to pick it up by the tail. When he did, it turned back into a staff. Moses found out that God is powerful! Moses then began his journey back to Egypt.

God reveals Himself in order to deliver His people. In the Gospel, just as in Exodus, it is God who saves, not the person delivering the message.

And God will save us too, if we only ask. Just like in our ABC’s of becoming a Christian. Ask, Believe, and Confess. 

“God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ And He said, “Say this to the people of Israel. ‘I AM has sent me to you’”

Exodus 3:14

Coloring & Activity Pages

Craft Time!

Supplies Needed:

Toilet Paper Roll
Coffee Filters

Now let's worship God with music!

Thanks for worshiping with us!
God loves you and so do we!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Lesson 17 - God Prepares Israel for Deliverance

Lesson 17

Hello again everyone! We are praying that you are doing well. We miss seeing all of you, but we are so grateful to be able to share our Bible lessons with you online.

This week we are moving on from Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph. We are going to be learning about Moses. I’m sure most of you have heard of Moses, right? He was a part of some amazing miracles and works of God. Today we are going to learn how Moses’ story started.

About 200 years after Joseph’s story, the Israelites were still living in Egypt and there were a lot of them. Their numbers grew so big that the Pharaoh of that day began to get nervous.

He was afraid the Israelites would eventually rise up against him, so he made them slaves. He made them work from early in the morning until late at night doing very hard work.  Even if they were tired the Egyptians wouldn't give them a break, they would just make them work harder.  It was very bad.

Pharaoh did all this and he still wasn't happy.  The Israelites were still growing in number, so he decided to make a law.  If any boys were born to the Israelites, he would have them killed.

One family decided to do all they could to protect their newborn baby boy. They hid him as best the could for 3 months. They knew this wouldn’t work forever so they decided to take drastic measures. They put him in a basket and sent him down the Nile river. His sister, Miriam, watched him as he traveled.

God intervened in Moses’ life by sending the Pharaoh’s daughter to the river. She saw the basket and found baby Moses inside. She raised him as her own son. In this way Moses was protected from Pharaoh’s evil plans and he was on a path to deliver all his people to freedom.

God appointed Jesus as an even greater deliverer than Moses, and when we cry out to Him, Jesus will set us free from our bondage to sin. Through Jesus, we trust God to deliver us too.

“And God heard their cries, and He remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob”

Exodus 2:24

Coloring & Activity Pages

Craft Time!

Now let's worship God with music!

Thanks for worshiping with us!
God loves you and so do we!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Lesson 16 - God Delivers Joseph

Bible Story – Lesson 16

Hello everyone! We are glad to be back again with you this week. We are praying that we will see you all in person very soon!

Today we are going to talk to you about Joseph one more time. We are going to tell you how God took a very bad situation in Joseph’s life and used it to bring great joy!

Have any of you ever done something wrong? Of course, we all have. Maybe you broke a rule and your mom or dad were mad. Did they stay mad forever, or did they forgive you? Forgiveness means you don’t hold someone’s sin against them. Your parents might not have been happy about you doing something wrong, but they eventually forgave you. That is what happened in Joseph’s family.

After Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, he eventually came to serve in the house of Potiphar. The Bible tells us three times in a row that the Lord was with him and made him prosper. Even Potiphar recognized the Lord’s presence in Joseph’s life, promoting him to a place of authority in his home.

Things were going well for Joseph, but God had even better things planned for him. God used another bad experience to get Joseph closer to an even bigger blessing. God used the evil of Potiphar’s wife to prepare Joseph for his eventual promotion. She accused Joseph of a serious crime, which he didn’t commit, and it resulted in him being thrown in jail.

Do you think Joseph ever doubted God during all these trials? It would be hard to be constantly attacked, especially when you are doing your best to be obedient to God. But the Bible says the Lord showed Joseph steadfast love, which is the special love and loyalty God shows based on His covenant. So even though things were looking rough for Joseph again, God was still with him.

For two years Joseph was in prison. Overall, he had either been a slave or a prisoner for thirteen years. Even though God shows kindness to His people, He often uses long periods of trouble and waiting to prepare the people He intends to use. 

Though Joseph’s wait was long, God promoted him from a slave in prison to Egypt’s second in command. This promotion came when he was able to interpret the Pharaoh’s dream when no one else could. Joseph gave the credit for this to God. He was then able to help Egypt thrive and then survive during a great famine. This is what God used to reconcile Joseph’s family.

The famine lead Joseph’s family to Egypt. The bowed before Joseph, not recognizing who he was. He recognized them though. Joseph tested them. They eventually admitted to themselves that they had sinned against Joseph. They confessed and repented. That is something we must do when we accept God’s salvation too, just like we talk about with the ABC’s of becoming a Christian.

Joseph finally revealed himself to his brothers. He forgave them and did not hold their sins against them. Just like God does with us!

Joseph’s family was finally reunited. The Pharaoh allowed them all to live together in Egypt. Joseph was finally able to be with his father Jacob. God had used man’s evil to accomplish His good plan, to save many people.

Just as God saved His people through the suffering of one man, Joseph, He provided salvation to us through Jesus Christ.

Jesus died for us and was exalted as King. He offers eternal life to all who believe in Him. That is definitely great news!

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today”

Genesis 50:20

Coloring & Activity Pages

Craft Time!

Now let's worship God with music!
*CLick the picture for video

Thanks for worshiping with us!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Lesson 15 - God Preserves Joseph

Bible Story - Lesson 15

Hello everyone! Thanks for joining us again as we learn from God’s word. Last week we talked about Jacob and Esau and how they were reunited after a big fight when they were young. God restored their family.

Today we are going to learn about Jacob’s children. Jacob had many children. Of his 12 sons, Joseph was his favorite. He even gave Joseph a special robe, or coat. This robe honored Joseph as the firstborn, even though he wasn’t.

It wasn’t right for Jacob to show favoritism, but God had chosen Joseph to rule over his family. That didn’t make it any easier for his brothers to accept though. God gave Joseph dreams about ruling over his family. As you can imagine, the brothers did not like hearing that.

Like most brothers, they would get very upset when Joseph would tell on them. Do you get frustrated at your brother or sister when they tattle on you? It can be aggravating. This was just another reason for Joseph’s brothers to resent him. That eventually led to them hating him.

One day while they were all out in the fields, Joseph’s brothers threw him into a pit, and they planned to leave him there to die. While they were eating though, a band of merchants passed by. The brothers decided to sell Joseph to them. They sold their own brother into slavery.

They took Joseph’s special coat and tore it and put blood on it to look like he had been attacked by an animal. They told their father, Jacob, that Joseph had been killed. Jacob was heartbroken.

This story seems like an account of everything going wrong, doesn’t it? Jacob showed favoritism, Joseph talked foolishly, and the brothers were filled with jealousy and hatred. But, God was at work, using every event to prepare for the salvation of His chosen people.

Joseph suffered greatly, but God used his suffering to save his family – both from starving during a famine and from the sins that were ruining the family. In the same way, when Christ came, He also experienced great suffering in order to bring about God’s good plan. As Joseph suffered and became ruler to save his family, so Jesus suffered and became King to save all who come to Him.

Next week we will see just how God turned Joseph’s suffering into great joy. 

The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the evil and the good.

Proverbs 15:3

Coloring & Activity Pages

Craft Time!

Supplies Needed:

1. Picture of Joseph from the above website, printed on cardstock
2. Self-laminating or contact sheets
3. Scissors and crayons
4. Colored tissue paper


1. Print out the picture of Joseph onto cardstock
2. Cut out the picture and the inside areas of Joseph's coat
3. Color the rest of the picture
4. Place the picture of Joseph face down onto the sticky side of the contact paper.
5. Cut out small pieces of tissue paper and stick them to the area inside Joseph's coat.
6. Place another sheet of contact or laminating paper to the back of the picture.
7. Cut out around the picture to trim the contact paper.
8. You can use a hole punch and some yarn to hang your picture in your window.

Now let's worship God with music!
*CLick the picture for video

Thanks for worshiping with us!