Story – Lesson 12
Hello boys and girls! I pray you all had a good week. I
also hope you enjoyed our Easter lessons. Learning about Jesus’ sacrifice is so
This week we are going back to the old testament to continue
learning about Abraham. I wonder if any of you remember what we have learned so
Abraham was a faithful servant of God. He and his wife Sarah had no
children, but God promised them a child in their old age. He also promised to
make Abraham’s descendants as numerous as the stars! We learned how Abraham did
what God asked and he was blessed. He wasn’t perfect, but he was faithful. He
did have a son, and his name was Isaac. Today we are going to learn a little
more about him.
Isaac was the promised son of Abraham and Sarah. When he
was born, his parents rejoiced and grew strong in their faith in God. After God
strengthened their faith and gave them time to mature, He brought the most
difficult test to Abraham, to prove that his faith was real.
When Isaac was a boy, God tested Abraham by telling him to
go to Mount Moriah and offer Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham was confused and
sad, but He trusted God. This was a way to prove that Abraham loved God even
more than He loved the blessings God had given him.
I can’t imagine how hard this must have been for Abraham,
can you? I’m sure Abraham and Sarah were so sad. It really shows how great
their faith was for them to be able to obey God in this moment. God had
promised to make a great nation out of Abraham that would bless the world. I
imagine it would have been very difficult, even still.
Abraham trusted God and took Isaac to the top of Mount
Moriah. Just as he was about to sacrifice Isaac, an angel of the Lord stopped
him. Abraham had proven his faith to God. God then proved His promise to Abraham
by providing a ram for the sacrifice.
Do you know what is really significant about God providing
a ram for the sacrifice? It is a picture of what He would do for us in the
future. He sent Jesus to die in our place. As a sacrifice for our sins.
It’s important for us to always remember to love God above
everything else. He loves us so much and sacrificed His only Son for us.
“Do not lay a
hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you
fear God, because you have
not withheld from me your son, your only son.”
Genesis 22:12
Coloring Pages
Craft Time!
**You can print the ram picture onto cardstock and then cut it out.
Now let's worship God with music!
*CLick the picture for video
Thanks for worshiping with us!
God loves you and so do we!
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