Hello everyone! We pray you all had a wonderful week. I am
so grateful for this warm weather? How about you? We are back again today with our
online lessons. This week we are continuing the story of Moses.
Last we talked about Moses’ birth and how God intervened in
his life to bring him to a position of importance in the Pharaoh’s house. This
week we are going to learn how God brought him from the palace to the
wilderness and spoke to him in a powerful way.
Do any of you have relatives that don’t live near you? How
do you talk to them? One way we talk to people is on the phone. Maybe you talk
to your grandparents or an aunt, or even a friend that way. In the Bible God
often used unusual methods to communicate with people.
In Egypt, Moses was a prince; but he still loved his people,
the Israelites. His first attempt to free his people was a disaster. So much so
that he had to go on the run from the Pharaoh. He fled to Midian and became a
Moses’ life, like that of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and
Joseph, shows us that when God chooses men to lead, He first humbles them so
that His own power, not theirs, is displayed.
As 80 year old Moses shepherded the sheep at Mount Horeb,
God appeared to him in a miraculous way.; He appeared to Moses in a burning
bush. The bush itself was unimpressive, but God’s holy presence blazed in the bush
and didn’t burn it up. This definitely got Moses’ attention.
God told Moses that He had heard the cries of His people in
Egypt. He told Moses that it was time to go back to Egypt so that the
Israelites could be set free.
Unfortunately, Moses doubted. He told God that he wasn’t
the man for the job. He made excuses. So, God proved Himself to Moses. He told
him to throw his staff onto the ground. When he did, it turned into a snake!
God told him to pick it up by the tail. When he did, it turned back into a
staff. Moses found out that God is powerful! Moses then began his journey back
to Egypt.
God reveals Himself in order to deliver His people. In the Gospel,
just as in Exodus, it is God who saves, not the person delivering the message.
And God will save us too, if we only ask. Just like in our
ABC’s of becoming a Christian. Ask, Believe, and Confess.

said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ And He said, “Say this to the people of Israel.
‘I AM has sent me to you’”
Exodus 3:14

Coloring & Activity Pages
Craft Time!

Supplies Needed:
Toilet Paper Roll
Coffee Filters

Now let's worship God with music!

Thanks for worshiping with us!
God loves you and so do we!