Story – Lesson 16
Hello everyone! We are glad to be back again with you this
week. We are praying that we will see you all in person very soon!
Today we are going to talk to you about Joseph one more
time. We are going to tell you how God took a very bad situation in Joseph’s life
and used it to bring great joy!
Have any of you ever done something wrong? Of course, we
all have. Maybe you broke a rule and your mom or dad were mad. Did they stay
mad forever, or did they forgive you? Forgiveness means you don’t hold
someone’s sin against them. Your parents might not have been happy about you
doing something wrong, but they eventually forgave you. That is what happened
in Joseph’s family.
After Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, he
eventually came to serve in the house of Potiphar. The Bible tells us three
times in a row that the Lord was with him and made him prosper. Even Potiphar
recognized the Lord’s presence in Joseph’s life, promoting him to a place of
authority in his home.
Things were going well for Joseph, but God had even better
things planned for him. God used another bad experience to get Joseph closer to
an even bigger blessing. God used the evil of Potiphar’s wife to prepare Joseph
for his eventual promotion. She accused Joseph of a serious crime, which he
didn’t commit, and it resulted in him being thrown in jail.
Do you think Joseph ever doubted God during all these
trials? It would be hard to be constantly attacked, especially when you are
doing your best to be obedient to God. But the Bible says the Lord showed
Joseph steadfast love, which is the special love and loyalty God shows based on
His covenant. So even though things were looking rough for Joseph again, God
was still with him.
For two years Joseph was in prison. Overall, he had either
been a slave or a prisoner for thirteen years. Even though God shows kindness to
His people, He often uses long periods of trouble and waiting to prepare the
people He intends to use.
Though Joseph’s wait was long, God promoted him from
a slave in prison to Egypt’s second in command. This promotion came when he was
able to interpret the Pharaoh’s dream when no one else could. Joseph gave the
credit for this to God. He was then able to help Egypt thrive and then survive
during a great famine. This is what God used to reconcile Joseph’s family.
The famine lead Joseph’s family to Egypt. The bowed before
Joseph, not recognizing who he was. He recognized them though. Joseph tested
them. They eventually admitted to themselves that they had sinned against
Joseph. They confessed and repented. That is something we must do when we accept
God’s salvation too, just like we talk about with the ABC’s of becoming a Christian.
Joseph finally revealed himself to his brothers. He forgave
them and did not hold their sins against them. Just like God does with us!
Joseph’s family was finally reunited. The Pharaoh allowed
them all to live together in Egypt. Joseph was finally able to be with his
father Jacob. God had used man’s evil to accomplish His good plan, to save many
Just as God saved His people through the suffering of one
man, Joseph, He provided salvation to us through Jesus Christ.
Jesus died for us and was exalted as King. He offers
eternal life to all who believe in Him. That is definitely great news!
for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it
about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today”
Genesis 50:20
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